Monday, January 03, 2011

Day 1

I got my "inches" measurements, but weight and % body fat (%BF) will have to wait until I get a new scale. My Taylor Biggest Loser Body Fat scale - well, it doesn't work anymore. Dealing with that little problem got my day off to a bad start. It made me rushed, and caused me to eat breakfast on the way to work. Breakfast was still good. 1st meal, first day, done.

I will have my first weigh-in on Wednesday. I will get my new scale tomorrow afternoon.
My total inches break down like this:
  • L Bicep:       12.75"
  • R Bicep:       13"
  • Waist:         45"
  • Hips:          42"
  • L Mid-thigh:   21.5"
  • R Mid-thigh:   21.25"
  • Total:        155.5
I had no idea how fat I was - 45" waistline? That isn't a waist. That number needs to come down below my hips measurement. In fact, it needs to come down to 38 inches or less.

These numbers are disappointing to me, but they certainly provide motivation. Based on these numbers alone, my %BF is probably in the 35% range. Ugh.

Being the geek I am, I have put the numbers in a spreadsheet. I will refine the spreadsheet, and use it as an additional motivation.

Here is breakfast:
You are going to be seeing a lot of this: it is a fritatta without potatoes: vegetables, beans, eggs. This one is made with half a can of lentils, a steamer bag of brocolli, and 2 organic eggs. I'm going to have a lot of these for breakfast. My plan actually puts a premium on a lack of variety. Because I was rushed, I did not make coffee, so washed this down with a lot of seltzer.

Before I ate lunch, I had about 20 0z of coffee, and 1/4 of a 2L bottle of Raspberry-Cranberry seltzer.

For lunch, I had a bag of Romaine salad (Wegman's, with accents of cabbage and carrots) with the other half can of lentils and 7 oz of cubed oven-roasted turkey breast. The turkey and lentils were marinated in some salad dressing I made with olive oil, hemp oil, cider vinegar, and Italian spices. All this shaken up in a gallon bag.

I'm very proud of what I didn't eat: I was offered a family-sized Hershey's dark chocolate bar, and somebody left cookie and cracker snacks by the coffee. I was stuffed at the end of breakfast and lunch, and it was easy to decline both.

After work, I got my car inspected, and did some more shopping - by the time I dropped off the car, I had finished the bottle of seltzer.

Got home and made dinner - 1/2 a cup of black beans, 1/2 a bag of peas, and a wild salmon burger. For an appetizer, I had a little sauerkraut with a sprinkle of salva (chia seeds). It looked like this:
Note the Mrs. Dash, which I use a lot of (along with red pepper flakes or cayenne pepper to season my food. Breakfast had both. The beans and peas had a little Mrs. Dash and a spray of soy sauce. Dinner was washed down with plain seltzer.

Also note the I am Fool mug. Thanks, J.

 I ate a lot of food today - I think more than I normally do. The only fat was from the salad dressing a small amount of macadamia oil to saute the salmon burger and the salmon - all good, healthy fats. Lots of protein, too. 

Tomorrow I will have less beans - one can total (I had 1/2 again more than that tonight. 

Please leave a comment or ask a question if you read this.


Anonymous Dan R. said...

Ken, it's been déjà vu reading your posts. About a year ago I did something similar, starting a weight-loss blog. It was designed as a private diary, but alas, it didn't work. Reading about your cholesterol, blood pressure, and pre-diabetes reminds me way too much of my own problems. Several of your measurements were also things I could, unfortunately, relate to. I wish I could offer some suggestions, but at present I'm in a state of weight-loss fatigue. At a certain point I'm confident I'll get back my motivation, but right now I'm going to check in on your blog and hopefully gain something from it. I wish you the best. By the way, did I miss something on here about exercise? I'm at a point now where walking, once regarded by me as "for old people," has become a goal. --Dan R.

11:27 PM  
Anonymous Ken said...

I know this seems crazy - the whole diet thing seems crazy - but this particular plan specifically doesn't include exercise! It is based on recent research that changes your body composition (lose fat, retain muscle and bone), irrespective of exercise. One thing I have found out for myself is that no amount of exercise can overcome a bad diet.

And, thank you for writing. Sorry it took me a week to see your post - my notification isn't working.

4:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi, new to the site, thanks.

9:14 PM  

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