Sunday, June 12, 2011

Day 14, Post 161

 Goal Weight: 188 pounds  
Today's Weight:        199.2 lbs
Yesterday's Weight:    197.8 lbs
Net Loss/Gain:         + 1.4 lbs
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Do not focus on weight. Do not focus on weight.  Do not focus on weight... 

I hope I have earned some props for waiting 24 hours before mentioning that yesterday, for the first time in at least 7 years, I weighed less than 200 pounds (yes, there is more than a little bit of self-satisfaction with my restraint).

That is one of those round numbers I like to say doesn't really mean anything, but I cannot honestly say I had no reaction. Let's just say I found it very satisfying, and it made me feel very good and positive to have set out on a goal at the beginning of the year, and to have succeeded in reaching it. This is the first paragraph and the first sentence of the next paragraph written on January 2, 2011 that started this blog:
"It is 2011 - I have now been gaining weight, with only small, temporary reductions, since 2008, when I went through an emotionally, physically and financially tough time. But one door closes, another opens, and for the past 2-1/2 years I have built a new life, and now its time to regain control over my health and weight.
Here's my goal: to get down to a weight under 200 lbs. "
Mission accomplished, yesterday, in 160 days. In my mind, just as noteworthy, is that I never missed a single day of blogging in that time.

I do want to say a word about yesterday's carb load meal. And that word is, whew! I could barely finish all my planned food. More than satisfying. Wednesday night is my next carb-load night. For dessert, I'll be having the other half of that Lindt chocolate with chili bar, and the rest of the meal might look very similar, too.

Also, today begins a week off from my PAGG protocol (you take 1 week off every 8 weeks) which I have been doing since the beginning of the year.

Food Log

My breakfast shake. Here's the formula (today): 6 oz almond milk, 1/2C yogurt, 2 whole eggs, 1C blueberries, 2C Kale, 1t inulin, 1T chia seeds, 2T hemp seeds, 1/2t stevia/erythitol blend. I used up my hemp seeds, so it will be 2 or 3 T of chia seeds going forward.
    Carb count: 11 g. Net

Sliders with mustard and a wee bit of dipping mayonnaise (home-made) with a side of Spring Mix greens and hothouse tomatoes with herbes au provence vinaigrette.
    Carb count: 4 g. Net


Chili (grass-fed organic ground beef, mushrooms, tomatoes, kidney beans, tomato paste, spices) with cauliflower and grated parmesan cheese.
    Carb Count:  20 g. Net
Late Snack
2 oz almond butter and celery.
    Carb count: 6 g. Net

Day total carbs:  
    37 g. Net carbs. 
Net carbs = total carbs - fiber

Liquid Intake
   Water: 96+ oz. 
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Blogger joan said...

And you did before my birthday. I'm so pleased for you, for this success. I am going to the cardiologist today for my regular checkup. My phone is not working, so will let you know tomorrow if anything is up (but i think, not).

2:26 PM  

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