August 14, 2012: Post 581 (2012 Day 227)
Daily Comment
One idea my brother has held for many, many years that I am coming (back) around to is the importance of politics (government politics, at least) vs. political news and information, in my life.
Government Politics
The first is profound. It also happens, as far as I can discern at this time, with or without any input from me. Government workings affect almost everything that happens to me day-to-day. I am, after all, an employee of the Federal gubmint. My future security/income is almost entirely in the hands of my (federal) Social Security pension (the 25% that isn't, is in the hands of IBM),
But I have survived a life-time of almost continuously bad government at all levels, through times when I was either ignorant, activist, apathetic, cynical, complacent, motivated, alarmed, angry, satisfied, disenchanted, or, usually, some combination of these. Not one thing I have ever done has ultimately had an affect on my relationship with the governance of the place where I lived. And vice versa.
Of course, there have been temporary diversions where I made some contribution, or participated in a political action that influenced my life - but only in the most superficial way, at an emotional and intellectual level, with limited life, scope, and effect. Most times, the motivation was based more on my social agenda than the politics involved.
The cause for my lack of influence may be that I am politically ineffective, exercising my personal political will frivolously or, at best, inefficiently. It could be that I am
In a republic, a representative democracy, like ours, my views are only rarely (accidentally, coincidententally?) represented, and just as rarely found in majority views. That one political party has consistently been much further away from my views than the other has turned out to be a meaningless difference. In effect, whichever party has governed, has done a poor job in my lifetime.
Both parties have done some good things (usually, with opposition), although both have also compromised good things into bad ones. In my lifetime, which started after all the Great Depression and post- WWII reforms had been enacted, the trend has been to disenfranchise the middle and lower classes (those that hadn't already been institutionally and historically disenfranchised), and to increase the power of the wealthy and their corporations.
I don't know if I can find any place where the government's relationship with me is benign, or, failing that, neutral. I think not. But I can put some distance between myself and the government rules over me (which will always be the US, since they demand an accounting from its citizens no matter where in the world they are). I can get out of the way. I vote for that.
Political News and Information
This is almost completely useless to me, and has never been useful, even though there are times, right up to the present, when I follow this news.
Political news presentation inflames me. I get righteous and indignant. I get cynical. I get caught up. And there is the problem. There are no positive emotions connected with political news. It is all ego, ego, ego. I have to tell myself a bunch of lies to believe that I am getting upset at something that matters.
The most credible news source I know of is a comedy show, where the news is deliberately fictionalized (starting with real events/people). So, it is good for a laugh. Nowhere else is the news presented fairly, honestly.
And, there is no such thing as fair balance.
I can, and will, live without knowing the political news of the day, week, year, decade.
Somewhere other than here..
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Food and Diet Section
Today's Weight: 205.2 lbs
Yesterday's Weight: 206.2 lbs
Day Net Loss/Gain: - 1.0 lbs
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Year 2012 daily weight from December 31, 2011. |
Diet Comment:
Decided to go 'old school' and have a slow-carb diet day. Slow carb means all meals are built from non-dairy protein, non-starchy vegetables and beans.
Food Log
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Spinach, egg and black bean fritta with salsa. |
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Salmon salad on Spring Mix, red cabbage and cole slaw mix. |
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Chili (beef, black beans, tomatoes, mushrooms, spinach, spices) with peas. |
Celery and home-made mayonnaise.Liquid Intake
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.I'm not sure which of my ideas you are referring to, but I must say that I regard politics( including its' subserviant lackeys -politicalnews, public media, our educational systemes - to be unimportant.. I could try to explain where I'm coming from, but I think that if you re-read what I' written in previous blogs, and are able to overcome the clumsinesswith which I expressed my thoughts, you will understand. But, your underastanding would probablybe better served by reading (yes, again!) the poem by Bankei that I e-mailed to you, previously, under the heading 'No on says it better".I am snding it to you as a separate post.
When you leave our country, you will not escape the burdens of our government.You rightly point out that the U.S government extends its grip on its citizens no matter where "in the world" they are.In addition, you will be doubling the problem, as your residence wil fall under the purview of the local government as well.Escape is not a real option.I do think that going to another country, in order to live more cheaply is a valid reason.
- love-
Song of Original Mind
Unborn and imperishable
Is the original mind
Earth, water, fire and wind
A temporary lodging for the night
Attached to this
Ephemeral burning house
You yourselves light the fire, kindle the flames
In which you're consumed
Keep your mind as it was
When you came into the world
And instantly this very self
Is a living "thus-come" one
Ideas of
What's good , what's bad
All due to
This self of yours
In winter, a bonfire
Spells delight
But when summertime arrives
What a nuisance it becomes!
And the breezes
You loved in summer
Even before the autumn's gone
Already have become a bother
Throwing your whole life away
Sacrificed to the thirst for gold
But when you saw your life was through
All your money was no use
Clinging, craving and the like
I don't have them on my mind
That's why nowadays I can say
The whole world is truly mine!
Since, after all this floating world
Is unreal
Instead of holding onto things in
Your mind, go and sing!
Only original mind exists
In the past and in the future too
Instead of holding onto things in
Your mind, let them go!
Having created
the demon mind yourself
When it torments you mercilessly
You're to blame and no one else
When you do wrong
our mind's the demon
There's no hell
To be found outside
Abominating hell
Longing for heaven
You make yourself suffer
In a joyful world
You think that good
Means hating what is bad
What's bad is
The hating mind itself
Fame, wealth, eating and
drinking, sleep and sensual delight -
Once you've leaned the Five Desires
They become
Your guide in life
Notions of what one should do
Never existed from the start
Fighting about what's right, what's wrong
That's the doing of the "I"
When your study
Of Buddhism is through
You find
You haven't anything new
If you think the mind
That attains enlightenment
Is "mine"
Your thoughts will wrestle, one with the other
These days I'm not bothering about
Getting enlightenment all the time
And the result is
I wake up in the morning feeling fine!
Praying for salvation in the world to come
Praying for your own selfish ends
Is only piling on more and more
Self-centeredness and arrogance
Die - then live
Day and night within the world
Once you've done this, then you can
Hold the world right in your hand!
If you search for the Pure Land
Bent upon your own reward
You'll only find yourself
By the Buddha after all!
People have no enemies
None at all right from the start
You create them all yourself
Fighting over right and wrong
Clear are the workings of cause
and effect
You become deluded, but
don't know
It's something that you've done yourself
That's what's called self- centeredness
Though the years may creep ahead
Mind itself can never age
This mind that's
Always just the same
Wonderful! Marvelous!
When you've searched
and found at last
The one who never will grow old
-- "I alone!"
The Pure Land
Where one communes at peace
Is here and now, it's not remote
Millions and millions of leagues away
When someone tosses you a tea bowl
-- Catch it!
Catch it nimbly with soft cotton
With the cotton of your skillful mind!
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