Day 5, Post 152b
Goal Weight: 188 pounds
Today's Weight: 203.8 lbs
Yesterday's Weight: 204.2 lbs
Net Loss/Gain: - 0.4 lbs
Hey, I posted 2 blogs today! The other one quotes an excellent article about why eating fat will make you thin. Check it out.
Please leave a comment if you visit my blog. Thank you!It turns out that today is the first day that qualifies as inductance. I thought I had completed 2-1/2 days, but reading about low-carbing online today made me check the book, and I found out the carb limit during induction is 20, not 25.
(I had skipped re-reading the chapter that involved a 'metabolic shift' and got right into the section on post-shift weight-loss).
This means that today is the first day with a low enough carb count to qualify as an inductance day. And that means my first carb-load meal will be a week from tomorrow, when I visit my sister.
So it goes.
How I write the blog...
Typically, I update the blog in the evening, when I have all the food pictures. More frequently than is probably healthy for me, I'm too busy and then too tired to post that evening, and I end up posting the following morning (backdating so that the blog day corresponds to the info day).
Most of the writing not related to the Food Log section is done throughout the day, catch as catch can.
Weight is measured in the morning, after bathroom, before breakfast. On Saturday (measurement day) mornings, I follow the same routine, I just take more measurements: Besides weight, I use my Orbitape to measure chest, waist and hips; I also check % body fat. I have been using my Omron scale for body composition measurements.
I don't post % body fat because up until this week, I have been using the wildly unreliable impedance measurement calculations of my scale. I just got a good set of body fat measuring calipers, so now I will have two sources, and will start posting body fat %. I would love it if my body fat went down to about 15%. I think it is around 20% now (according to the scale) but we'll see now that I have a somewhat more reliable alternative.
One of the more significant fails of my diet this year has been an inability to get accurate body composition measurements, due to the local DEXA being exclusively available by prescription and only for bone density measurements, and the nearest BodPod being more than an hour-and-a-half drive away, and not available on weekends.
Ah, well. Onward!
One more note: My new charts don't have enough data in them to be interesting - which is to say, you cannot see trends and there is a lot of white space. I'll start posting my charts as soon as there is something to see.
Food Log
Spinach, ricotta cheese and hemp seed omelet (3 whole eggs, 1 egg white) with chipotle tabasco sauce. |
Early Lunch
Late Lunch
2 oz raw almonds and an ounce of Manchego cheese. Carb count: 6 g. Net
Sorry, no picture - Dinner was the other half of the Caribbean lime chicken from yesterday, eaten cold, with a little home--made mayonnaise and about an ounce-and-a-half of Manchego and Cheddar cheese.
Carb Count: 2 g. Net
Late Snack
Wild-caught salmon burger with chipotle tabasco sauce over Spring Mix greens. |
Day total carbs:
15 g. net carbs.
Net carbs = grams total carbs - grams fiber carbs
Note: Except during induction, some vegetables are not counted as adding to the carb total, e.g., they are 'free' and unlimited). Today I am in induction.
Liquid Intake
Coffee: 24 oz, Water: 150+ oz.
Please leave a comment if you visit my blog. Thank you!
Hi- looking forward to seeing you. looks like you are doing great. Love you, Joan
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