Thursday, October 13, 2011

October 12, 2011: Post 284

 Goal Weight: 188 pounds 

Please leave a comment if you visit my blog. Thank you!

Today's Weight:        200.6 lbs 
Yesterday's Weight:    202.4 lbs
Net Loss/Gain:         - 1.8 lbs
Daily weight from January 1, 2011.
Daily weight from October 1, 2011.
Today's nice loss was exaggerated by the fact that I woke up 2-1/2 hours after eating my late snack of celery, baby carrots and red peppers dipped in spicy mayonnaise. I felt sick, was up most of the night, and ended up ditching work and sleeping away the morning and afternoon. So the weigh-in didn't happen until 3:30pm. It turns out, I can't eat sweet peppers right before bed.  

This also means that I ate my food in a compressed time period: The day's meals were consumed between 4 and 9pm.

Daily Comment
One of the biggest challenges I have had in my life for the last decade or so, is that I do not have good sleep habits. I frequently go sleep-deprived, sometimes to the extreme that I get so tired I fall asleep suddenly, in the middle of other activities. 

Food Log

Chocolate egg cream protein shake: Vanilla whey protein powder (w/36g of whey protein) plus cocoa, an egg, coconut milk, extra 5g of BCAAs, cinnamon and stevia-inulin blend.

Dal fry with spinach and scrambled eggs and a salad of Spring Mix greens, red cabbage, and red bell peppers with balsamic vinaigrette
Celery, baby carrots, and roast turkey with home-made spicy mayonnaise.

Liquid Intake
    Coffee:  0 oz,   Water: 80+ oz. 


Blogger joan said...

OK I have written down my food (on a weight watcher's site, I cannot give you access to since it is someone else's) and stayed on plan for 3 days. Better than I have done in months. Also, weighted myself- another hurdle, filed my taxes. Good day, although I am starving but I have a good breakfast. Love you

7:48 AM  
Blogger Reverend Ken said...

That's totally great - I'm very proud of you - stick with it.

Love you!

2:58 PM  

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