Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Day 37

  • Goal date:  2/26/11
  • Weight goal: 217.8 pounds
  • Total Inches goal: 124-1/4
Well, well. All my hard work is really paying off. Today's scale weight was 225 pounds even. Exactly where my goal chart shows I should be, and with 4 more days before weekly weigh-in (Saturday), I am only 1 pound away from the week's goal.

Eighteen-plus pounds lost since I started this diet. 37 days in. And I don't recall a single day when I felt hungry or had cravings. And, despite the sameness of my meals 6 days a week, I am not bored. I still look forward to my egg-spinach-and beans in the morning. I am not tired of my protein, beans and balsamic vinaigrette over greens for lunch. And I actually eat a greater variety of things for dinner than I feel a need for, even while adhering to the protein-beans-vegetable macro-ingredient list.

The apartment is slowly coming together. Baby steps, you know. I am handling it like this diet: Every day, I have a goal. Last night, my goals were: To mount the mirror on the dresser; set up my wireless network; put together my microwave cart; unbury the tool box; install a new shower head; unpack some more clothes; and find more kitchen stuff.
 Like the amount of fat I'm carrying around, I have too much stuff. I don't have a thing that wasn't once useful and used, but I certainly have some things for which I have no current or future need; and useful things in a quantity ridiculous for a single guy living alone, who has only one chair in each of his two rooms.
So, anyway, on to today's food:

Baby spinach and lentils sauteed in coconut oil with 1/3C egg whites and one whole large organic egg, topped with salsa. 

Sliced rotisserie chicken with lentils over Spring mix with balsamic vinaigrette.

Chilie and peas. Not shown: A hard-boiled egg.

As always, please leave a comment if you visit my blog. Thank you.


Blogger joan said...

i think u r doing great

3:58 PM  

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