November 27, 2011: Post 321 (Day 330)
Please leave a comment if you visit my blog. Thank you!
Today's Weight: 205.4 lbs
Yesterday's Weight: 207.2 lbs
Net Loss/Gain: - 1.8 lbs
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Daily weight from October 1, 2011. Note: November 4-13 weights are estimated. |
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Daily weight from January 1, 2011. Note: January 1-5 and November 4-13 weights are estimated. |
My Thanksgiving recovery is on track. I'm hoping tomorrow to be at or under 204 pounds.
Daily Comment
Today I'm thinking about what is going on in the US - how freedom and opportunity are being curtailed by the endless war and the 2-party system that has become so dysfunctional as both sides pander to the wealthy and powerful, at the expense of everyone else. I am trying to imagine the circumstances that would make retiring in the US desirable to me. The only one I can think of is to become wealthy and powerful myself, and since I am doing nothing to move in that direction, it is unlikely.Then I think, what about spiritual/emotional/intellectual freedom, and I think, THAT is what I have to look forward to in retirement.
Food Log
Chocolate egg cream protein shake: Vanilla whey protein powder (w/48g of whey protein) plus cocoa, an egg, almond milk, an extra 5g of BCAAs, cinnamon and stevia-inulin blend.
OK so I just read a full week of posts at once. Once again, I am amazed by your persistance. I am thankful for you.
I am not sure how I feel about fasts, only that I have a really hard time with them and that my hunger is like pain- better to get a handle on it early than to try to deal with it when it really gets going. It does seem like your weight has stabilized, despite the little ups and downs. P.T. will help with your core muscles. Back pain comes and goes.
That is my wisdom for the day. Love you
Well, I am thankful that you read my posts... You haven't mentioned Weight Watchers in a while - are you on hiatus?
Intermittent fasting is pretty easy. The book (e-book) I read was really interesting, as I said. There's as much mythology and dogma about fasting as there is on eating, so it helps to separate the wheat from the chaffe: Bottom line is, that it is healthy to occasionally go into a fasting state, something that was common to humans before the agricultural revolution (and, really, for thousands of years after, for the most part).
The pain you experience when trying to fast is probably not physical in origin - it would take days of fasting for that to kick in, and even then it would pass pretty quickly.
We can discuss...
Love you,
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